Centre for Policy on Ageing


Positive ageing : cross cultural perspectives
 — social affiliation and healthy longevity
Author(s)Tokie Anme
Journal titleBOLD, vol 16, no 3, May 2006
PublisherInternational Institute on Ageing (United Nations - Malta), May 2006
Pagespp 24-26
KeywordsGood Health ; Longevity ; Social interaction ; Participation ; Longitudinal surveys ; Japan.
AnnotationSocial affiliation describes how people work to gain control over their own lives within society and the ways in which others can help or hinder this process. This article outlines the research design for the 40-year Tobishima Healthy Longevity Study (THLS) in Japan, whose findings support the hypothesis that there is a positive association between social affiliation and healthy longevity. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-060620204 A
ClassmarkCD: BGA: TMA: TMB: 3J: 7DT

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