Centre for Policy on Ageing


Grandparents raising grandchildren
 — the role of social support in coping with caregiving challenges
Author(s)Jean M Gerard, Laura Landry-Meyer, Jacqueline Guzell Roe
Journal titleInternational Journal of Aging and Human Development, vol 62, no 4, 2006
Pagespp 359-383
KeywordsGrandparents as carers ; Grandchildren ; Stress ; Well being ; Services ; Informal care ; Social surveys ; United States of America.
AnnotationIn this investigation of 133 grandparents with primary responsibility for their grandchildren, the authors examined the potential moderating role of social support in the association between caregiver stressors and grandparents' general well-being. Enacted formal support buffered the association between grandchild health problems and both grandparent caregiving stress and life satisfaction. Enacted formal support also buffered the association between parenting daily hassles and life satisfaction. Compensatory or main effects of perceived informal and formal social support were found for both grandparent caregiving stress and life satisfaction. Findings highlight the importance of professional assistance and community services in minimising the negative impact of child-related challenges on grandparents' well-being. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-060608209 A
ClassmarkP6:SW: SW5: QNH: D:F:5HH: I: P6: 3F: 7T

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