Centre for Policy on Ageing


How 'community aware' is your care setting?
 — [checklists]
Author(s)Sally Knocker, Barbara Avila, M Pilar Roman-Rojo
Corporate AuthorGrowing with Age, National Association for Providers of Activities for Older People (NAPA)
PublisherNAPA, London, 2004
Pages7 pp
SourceNAPA, Bondway Commercial Centre, 5th Floor Unit 5.12, 71 Bondway, London SW8 1SQ.
KeywordsCare homes ; Sheltered housing ; Group activities ; Interaction [welfare services] ; Neighbourhoods, communities etc ; Questionnaires.
AnnotationAs part of the NAPA Growing with Age project, three checklists have been compiled as ways of helping discuss possible activities with residents and their relatives and as an aid to the care planning and review process. The checklists could also be used to provide evidence for care inspectors about how the home is meeting Standard 13 of "Care homes for older people: national minimum standards". The checklists are: Getting out and about; Bringing the outside in; and Involving local colleges and community groups. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-060524004 B
ClassmarkKW: KLA: HW: QK6: RH: 3DA

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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