Centre for Policy on Ageing


Creating links between care settings and local faith communities
 — a practice guide
Author(s)Alison Johnson, Sally Knocker, M Pilar Roman-Rojo
Corporate AuthorGrowing with Age, National Association for Providers of Activities for Older People (NAPA)
PublisherNAPA, London, [2004]
Pages8 pp
SourceNAPA, Bondway Commercial Centre, 5th Floor Unit 5.12, 71 Bondway, London SW8 1SQ.
KeywordsCare homes ; Coordination ; Pastoral care ; Worship ; Religion ; Guides, guide books.
AnnotationAlthough Standard 12.2 in "Care homes for older people: National minimum standards" refers to choice in relation to religious observance, and the National Service Framework for Older People (NSF) Standard Two includes religious and spiritual beliefs, spiritual well-being is an often neglected dimension in the lives of many older people in care homes. This is one of a series of guides, which combines some of the ideas and experiences gained from the NAPA Growing with Age project work with care homes throughout England between 2002 and 2005. The purpose of this guide is to offer practical support and inspiration to activity organisers, care staff and sheltered housing managers who are looking to develop a range of activities open to residents and tenants. It includes guidance for conducting worship in the care home. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-060524002 B
ClassmarkKW: QAJ: OW: OWL: TR: 69N

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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