Centre for Policy on Ageing


SEEM II Services for elders from ethnic minorities
 — a guide to good practice in the EU
Corporate AuthorLeeds City Council
PublisherLeeds City Council, Leeds, 2006
Pages24 pp (+ back pocket insert)
SourceMareike Schmidt, Project Coordinator SEEM II, Leeds City Council, International Relations, Civic Hall, 4th Floor West, Leeds LS1 1UR. email: seem@leeds.gov.uk
KeywordsEthnic groups ; Services ; Needs [elderly] ; Social Services Departments ; European Union ; Standards of provision ; Europe ; Leeds.
AnnotationLeeds City Council has been leading a European project, SEEM, 'Services for elders from ethnic minorities', funded by the European Commission under the Community Action Plan to Combat Social Exclusion'. SEEM II, the project's second phase, particularly considers issue of social exclusion (poverty, age and racism) among minority ethnic elders through the exchange of good practice across Europe. SEEM II includes partners from France (Lille), the UK, Germany (Dortmund), Sweden (Gunnared), Belgium (East Flanders), and Romania (Bucharest), and from the voluntary sector, local government and research institutes. This report outlines lessons learned from the project, in understanding the needs of ethnic minority elders, and in consulting and involving minority ethnic elders and their organisations. In Leeds, these include Leeds Older People's Forum (LOPF), Leeds Gypsy and Travellers Exchange, and Leeds Black Elders Association (LBEA). A good practice checklist for social services and other stakeholders is a back pocket insert. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-060516206 B
ClassmarkTK: I: IK: PF: WFC: 583: 74: 88B

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