Centre for Policy on Ageing


 — Quality issues in social care
Corporate AuthorCommission for Social Care Inspection - CSCI
Journal titleInFocus, March 2006, no 1 to February 2009, no 9, March 2006
PublisherCommission for Social Care Inspection - CSCI, London, March 2006
SourceCommission for Social Care Inspection, 33 Greycoat Street, London SW1P 2QF.
AnnotationThese are a series of bulletins that focus on particular quality issues in regulated social care services. The subjects chosen for each bulletin reflect the results of CSCI consultations with people who use social care, CSCI's own assessment of regulated social care services; and key issues of public concern. The bulletins will identify practical steps that can be taken by service providers to improve the experiences of people who use social care services; share what has been learnt from inspection of care homes; and, to identify the factors that may have an influence on performance. The publication of these bulletins will be at irregular intervals. Ceased publication with demise of CSCI. See AgeOrgs database for more information. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-060425212 H

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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