Centre for Policy on Ageing


Recipe for Life : Helping older people who live alone to eat well
 — executive summary of final report of research, September 2005
Author(s)Chris Jones, Belinda Dewar, Caroline Donaldson
Corporate AuthorRoyal Bank of Scotland Centre for the Older Person's Agenda - COPA, Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh
PublisherThe Royal Bank of Scotland Centre for the Older Person's Agenda, Edinburgh, 2005
Pages13 pp
SourceQueen Margaret University College, Corstorphine Campus, Edinburgh, EH12 8TS. website: http://www.qmuc.ac.uk/opa
KeywordsNutrition ; Diet ; Food ; Living alone ; Projects ; Scotland.
AnnotationRecipe for Life is a 3-year project which aims to find better ways to support older people to eat well. The project is being undertaken by the Royal Bank of Scotland Centre for the Older Person's Agenda at Queen Margaret University College, in partnership with the Dementia Services Development Centre (DSDC) at the University of Stirling and Age Concern Scotland. This summary outlines the aims and objectives of the project as a whole; approaches to the research element of the project; and key messages that have emerged in relation to food-related needs, appetite, and barriers to older people eating well. The project was funded by Zurich Financial Services Community Trust under their Zurich Cares Older People Programme. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-060228212 B
ClassmarkCF: CFD: YP: K8: 3E: 9A

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