Centre for Policy on Ageing


The role of personality and coping style in relation to awareness of current functioning in early-stage dementia
Author(s)A Seiffer, L Clare, R Harvey
Journal titleAging & Mental Health, vol 9, no 6, November 2005
Pagespp 525-541
KeywordsDementia ; Early ; Recognition ; Personality ; Attitude ; Australia.
AnnotationResearchers in Australia investigated the role of psychological factors in unawareness to early-stage dementia, focusing on personality and coping strategies. 49 individuals with "non-frontal" dementia and their partners completed standardised self-report questionnaires. Multiple regression analyses indicated that personality factors - in particular negative attitudes towards emotional expression - were related to avoidant behavioural coping in managing the threat of dementia. Neither negative attitudes towards emotional expression nor avoidant behavioural coping related to unawareness after controlling for relevant disease-related and emotional variables. However, a relationship was found between conscientiousness and unawareness. The findings were interpreted with reference to literature on processes of denial and a distinction between conscious behavioural avoidance and unconscious defensive denial was made. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-060202240 A
ClassmarkEA: 4J: 4AD: DK: DP: 7YA

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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