Centre for Policy on Ageing


Uses of reminiscence : functions and benefits
 — editorial
Author(s)Peter G Coleman
Journal titleAging & Mental Health, vol 9, no 4, July 2005
Pagespp 291-294
KeywordsMemory and Reminiscence ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationReminiscence work was generally discouraged thirty to forty years ago, but has since come to the fore in local and oral history. This editorial introduces three further papers in a special section on reminiscence in later life in this issue of Aging & Mental Health. The author reviews literature on previous work on the types and functions of reminiscence and on reminiscence work. He notes the "Making Memories Matter" project of the European Reminiscence Network coordinated by Pam Schweitzer as a fine example of work aimed at involving older participants in different European countries. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-060202214 A
ClassmarkDB: 64A

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