Centre for Policy on Ageing


Interventions for preventing falls and fall related injuries in older people
 — a mapping exercise ... on behalf of the Innovation Forum, Hertfordshire
Author(s)Frances Bunn, Karen Windle, Angela Dickinson
Corporate AuthorCentre for Research in Primary and Community Care (CRIPACC), University of Hertfordshire
PublisherCentre for Research in Primary and Community Care, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, October 2004
Pages22 pp
SourceCentre for Research in Primary and Community Care, University of Hertfordshire, College Lane, Hatfield AL10 9AB. E-mail: a.m.dickinson@herts.ac.uk Website: www.herts.ac.uk/cripacc
KeywordsFalls ; Preventative medicine ; Participation ; Attitude ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationThe prevention of falls is currently high on the health policy agenda in the UK, which has led to the establishment of many falls prevention services. This mapping exercise was carried out to identify interventions to prevent falls and fractures in people aged 75 and over. Selected papers for this analysis were systematic reviews of interventions to prevent falls or fall related fractures. 23 systematic reviews and two sets of evidence based guidelines that met inclusion criteria were found. These were categorised by the type of intervention. Fall prevention programmes were most effective when they were multifactorial, multidisciplinary interventions. There is mixed evidence on the effectiveness of exercise programmes, although strength and balance training seems to be promising. Risk assessment and home hazard reduction are most beneficial when targeted at high-risk individuals. Only two reviews looked at the effect on hospital admissions and no significant differences were found. At present, there is insufficient evidence to assess the effects of fall and fracture prevention interventions on hospital admissions. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-051214001 B
ClassmarkOLF: LK2: TMB: DP: 64A *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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