Centre for Policy on Ageing


Destination of benefit leavers 2004
 — a report of research carried out by BMRB Social Research on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions
Author(s)Nick Coleman, Lizzie Kennedy
Corporate AuthorBMRB Social Research; Department for Work and Pensions - DWP
PublisherCorporate Document Services, Leeds, 2005
Pages93 pp (Department for Work and Pensions Research report, no 244)
SourceCorporate Document Services, 7 Eastgate, Leeds LS2 7LY. Orderline tel: 0113 399 4040. E-mail: orderline@cds.co.uk Summary available from website: http://www.dwp.gov.uk/asd/
KeywordsSocial security benefits ; Claims [services] ; Social surveys.
AnnotationThis research report outlines key information from a survey of working age benefit leavers, and is a repeat of the 2003 Destination Survey (2004). It was commissioned by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) as part of the Work and Pensions Longitudinal study which focuses on improving information on the destinations of working age benefit leavers, and monitoring the number of claimants flowing off benefits and into work. Of a sample population comprising all individuals recorded as leaving benefit between 1 February and 14 May 2004, a total of 17,166 interviews were carried out between June and October 2004. In general, numbers returning to work for 16 or more hours per week were highest among those with a shorter claim period (less than 13 weeks) compared to those whose claim lasted a year or more. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-051213003 B
ClassmarkJH: QLT: 3F

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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