Centre for Policy on Ageing


Problems with vision associated with limitations or avoidance of driving in older populations
Author(s)William A Satariano, Kara E MacLeod, Theodore E Cohn
Journal titleJournals of Gerontology: Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, vol 59B, no 5, September 2004
Pagespp S281-S286
KeywordsVisual impairment ; Driving capability ; Social surveys ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe role of disease processes that affect vision is examined, along with reported troubles with vision, physical symptoms affecting the eyes, and the objective measures in reported driving limitation due to problems with eyesight among older drivers. The study uses data from 1,840 participants in the Study of Physical Performance and Age-Related Changes in Sonomans (SPPARCS), a California community-based longitudinal study of ageing and physical performance affecting performance in people aged 55+. Each of 16 visual conditions was assessed for impact on reported driving, and significant associations were reported for all 16 conditions. "Avoiding physical activity due to vision" and "trouble seeing steps up or down stairs" had the strongest associations. However, "glasses or contact lenses required for driving" and "trouble with glare from sunlight" had the highest attributable risks. Addressing specific problems attributable to vision should substantially reduce driving limitations due to eyesight. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-051124207 A
ClassmarkBR: OPF: 3F: 7T

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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