Centre for Policy on Ageing


Delayed transfers of care
 — September 2005
Corporate AuthorStatistical Directorate, National Assembly for Wales
PublisherNational Assembly for Wales, Cardiff, 25 October 2005
Pages10 pp (SDR 104/2005)
SourceWeblink: http://new.wales.gov.uk/topics/statistics/theme/he... email: stats.healthinfo@wales.gsi.gov.uk
KeywordsDelayed discharge ; Discharge [hospitals] ; Statistics [data] ; Wales.
AnnotationIn order to provide up-to-date information across Wales on the numbers of patients affected, the Delayed Transfer of Care database was introduced for use from April 2002. This database provides a census of delayed patients each month, and the data used in this Statistics First Release has been extracted from that database to provide a "snapshot" of the numbers for the census date (21/9/05). It reveals that a total of 717 patients were experiencing a delayed transfer of care on the census date. Of these, 235 were delayed in mental health facilities, and 482 were in other acute and community hospitals. These statistical releases are published every month and available to download from the website. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-051115502 E
ClassmarkLD:QKM: LD:QKJ: 6C: 9 *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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