Centre for Policy on Ageing


Finding the evidence : looking further afield
 — [Social Policy and Practice database]
Author(s)Alan Gomersall
Journal titleEvidence & Policy, vol 1, no 2, May 2005
Pagespp 269-285
KeywordsInformation services ; Information technology.
AnnotationThe author introduces some Australian and European bibliographic resources for social policy and practice. He prefaces his article, by remarking on the variability in quality and ease of retrieval of and from UK sources. Australian databases include: the Australian Family and Society Abstracts Database (FAMILY) (www.informit.com.au/show.asp?id=FAMILY); and the Australian Public Affairs Information Service (APAIS) (www.informit.com.au/show.asp?id=APAIS). European databases reviewed are: FRANCIS, predominantly French (though some 40% of the content is English), and maintained by INIST, the Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique; Labordoc, the International Labour Office's library catalogue (www.labordoc.ilo.org); Social Science Literature Information System (SOLIS) - mainly German language material - produced by the Informazionszentrum Sozialwissenschaften (www.cas.org/ONLINE/DBSS/soliss.html); and VET-Bib, covering vocational education and training, and produced by Cedefop (Centre Européen pour la Développement de la Formation Professionelle) in association with ReferNet (http://libserve.cedefop.eu.int/F). (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-051109204 A
ClassmarkUV: UVB

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