Centre for Policy on Ageing


Do we get better at picking our battles?
 — age group differences in descriptions of behavioral reactions to interpersonal tensions
Author(s)Kira S Birditt, Karen L Fingerman
Journal titleJournals of Gerontology: Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, vol 60B, no 3, May 2005
Pagespp P121-P128
KeywordsPersonal relationships ; Stress ; Emotions ; Engagement ; Cross sectional surveys ; United States of America.
AnnotationIndividuals in different age groups react in different ways when they are upset with their social partners. This study examines age group differences in descriptions of behavioural reactions in interpersonal tensions. Participants aged 13 to 99 (84 men, 100 women) described interpersonal tensions that occurred with close and problematic social network members. Descriptions were coded with Rusbult's typology of conflict strategies (voice, loyalty, neglect, exit). Multilevel models revealed that older adults were more likely to report exit (e.g. yelling) strategies in response to interpersonal problems. These age differences were not accounted for by intensity of distress, relationship quality, contact frequency, or type of social partner. It appears that individuals are better able to regulate their behavioural responses to interpersonal problems as they age. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-051103215 A
ClassmarkDS: QNH: DL: DN: 3KB: 7T

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