Centre for Policy on Ageing


Basic banking
 — getting the first step right
Corporate AuthorNational Consumer Council - NCC; Policis
PublisherNational Consumer Council - NCC, London, 2005
Pagesunnumbered foldout factsheet (PD 3005)
SourceNational Consumer Council, 20 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W 0DH. http://www.ncc.org.uk
KeywordsBank accounts ; Financial services [older people] ; Poverty ; Research Reviews.
AnnotationAchieving financial inclusion is essential to tackling social exclusion and poverty. Having a bank account can be a gateway to other products and services, such as affordable credit and insurance, as well as a means to avoiding the extra costs of pre-payment meters and pay-as-you-go tariffs. However, the current model of basic bank accounts, introduced by the government in 2000, and intended to enable all low-income consumers to access banking services, is not delivering. This factsheet presents new research findings to stimulate ideas on solutions to financial inclusion. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-051101209 P
ClassmarkWNN: J: W6: 3A:6KC *

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