Centre for Policy on Ageing


Power of the purchaser
 — [factors that govern the range of services offered by home care providers]
Author(s)Charles Patmore, Alison McNulty
Journal titleCommunity Care, issue 1593, 6 October 2005
Pagespp 34-35
KeywordsDomiciliary services ; Commercial care ; Social Services Departments ; Contracts ; Social surveys.
AnnotationIn the first of two articles, the authors present findings of research conducted at the Social Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of York regarding factors which promote person-centred, customer-led home care for older people. They describe the far-reaching influence of social service purchasers as to whether independent home care providers supply such a service. For the first stage of the research, telephone interviews were conducted with managers of an independent provider and an in-house social services provider to 12 contrasting local authorities. Six of these providers to six authorities were selected for in-depth study. First, older service users were interviewed, then front-line provider and purchaser staff. Subsequently, interviews took place with each provider manager, and finally with a senior social service purchaser with each authority. SPRU has published a full report of the findings as "Making home care for older people more flexible and person-centred: factors which promote this", also a summary report, "Flexible, person-centred home care for older people". (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-051013205 A
ClassmarkN: PI: PF: 6QH: 3F *

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