Centre for Policy on Ageing


Facing the cost of long-term care
 — towards a sustainable funding system
Author(s)Donald Hirsch
Corporate AuthorJoseph Rowntree Foundation - JRF
PublisherJoseph Rowntree Foundation - JRF, York, 2005
Pages38 pp
SourceYork Publishing Services Ltd., 64 Hallfield Road, Layerthorpe, York YO31 7ZQ. tel: 01904 430033 pdf available at: http://www.jrf.org.uk
KeywordsServices ; Domiciliary services ; Nursing homes ; Care homes ; Long term ; Costs [care].
AnnotationOver the past decade, it has become ever clearer that the UK lacks an adequate, coherent and fair basis for paying for long-term care for older people. As a result, services are already under strain, not all needs are being met, and we are ill-prepared to meet future challenges as the population continues to age. This paper is intended as a discussion document, bringing together evidence and discussions assembled by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) Long-Term Care Advisory Group, arguing that the present system is not working. It identifies some key challenges, reported in the 1980s and only partially implemented, but which did not solve the underlying problems. Six core principles for a system of long-term care funding are suggested: be fair and be seen to be fair; support preventative measures; recognise the diversity of needs and allow recipients of care to retain their dignity; promote personal and family responsibility; be sustainable (by being responsive to demographic, medical, economic and other changes); and encourage an efficient supply response. While it deliberately avoids proposing a radical redesign of the whole system, the report explores other ways of using existing public funding. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-051005005 B
ClassmarkI: N: LHB: KW: 4Q: QDC

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