Centre for Policy on Ageing


Profiling intermediate care patients using the single assessment process
 — a road to better service provision?
Author(s)Mathew Mackenzie, Iain Carpenter, Kathy Kotiadis
Journal titleJournal of Integrated Care, vol 13, issue 4, August 2005
Pagespp 43-48
KeywordsRehabilitation ; Aftercare ; Community care ; Needs [elderly] ; Evaluation ; Methodology ; Shepway.
AnnotationThis paper demonstrates that three intermediate care services in Shepway, East Kent each cater for distinct patient groups, and that data from the Minimum Data Set Home Care (MDS-HC), a single assessment process (SAP) tool, can be used to differentiate between them. By applying statistical techniques, inferences can be made about the likelihood of admission to a particular service, given specific health characteristics. The authors highlight the utility of standardised assessment as a means of providing data for audit and planning is highlighted, and stress the importance of the SAP as a means of developing care services. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050926227 A
ClassmarkLM: LN: PA: IK: 4C: 3D: 8KR

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