Centre for Policy on Ageing


Venturing in Eastern Europe
 — setting up a satellite centre in the field of ageing
Author(s)Joseph Troisi
Journal titleBOLD, vol 15, no 4, August 2005
PublisherInternational Institute on Ageing (United Nations - Malta), August 2005
Pagespp 3-8
KeywordsAgeing process ; Education ; Research ; Eastern Europe ; International.
AnnotationThe Deputy Director of the International Institute on Ageing (United Nations - Malta) explains INIA's role within the UN in providing multidisciplinary education and training in gerontology and geriatrics. In recent years, INIA has organised training programmes in Belarus and the Russian Federation, the success of which has led to establishment of an INIA satellite centre in St Petersberg to meet such training needs. This article outlines the scope and functions of INIA's satellite centres, and the plans for similar centres for groups of countries in Latin America and the Middle east. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050926206 A
ClassmarkBG: V: 3A: 7A: 72

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