Centre for Policy on Ageing


Risk sharing and hybrid pension plans
 — a synopsis of the following research carried out on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions: Hybrid pension plans: UK and international experience; Comparing pension outcomes from hybrid schemes; [and] The optimal allocation of, pension risks in
Author(s)Kevin Wesbroom, Tim Reay, Deborah R Cooper, David McCarthy
Corporate AuthorDepartment for Work and Pensions - DWP; Hewitt Bacon & Woodrow; Mercer Human Resource Consulting; Tanaka Business School, Imperial College London
PublisherCorporate Document Services, Leeds, 2005
Pages75 pp (Department for Work and Pensions Research report, no 270)
SourceCorporate Document Services, 7 Eastgate, Leeds LS2 7LY. Email: orderline@cds.co.uk Website: http://www.cds.co.uk Full reports also available online at: http://www.dwp.gov.uk/asd/asd5
KeywordsPrivate pensions ; Conditions of employment ; Contracts ; Research Reviews.
AnnotationThe shift away from defined benefit pensions (DB) schemes towards defined contribution (DC) schemes is well known, as is the consequent transfer of pension risks, thought to to be largely with the plan sponsor in the case of DB, and in the case of DC largely with the plan holder or scheme member. In June 2004, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) commissioned three independent research projects into hybrid pension schemes, the financial (and other) risks associated with different forms of employer pension provision, and issues around the allocation of these risks between members and their employers. This document brings together the summary findings of the individual research reports (which are also published separately). Collectively, they assess the practical experience, growth prospects and sustainability of various hybrid scheme designs; the potential outcomes for individuals and how they compare across different schemes and individuals' working and salary histories; and the overall desirability of hybrid schemes (or optimal risk sharing arrangements) within the context of workplace pension provision. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050906002 B
ClassmarkJK: WKA: 6QH: 3A:6KC

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