Centre for Policy on Ageing


Information, advice and advocacy for older people
 — defining and developing services
Author(s)Andrew Dunning
Corporate AuthorJoseph Rowntree Foundation - JRF; Beth Johnson Foundation
PublisherJoseph Rowntree Foundation - JRF, York, 2005
Pages75 pp
SourceYork Publishing Services Limited, 64 Hallfield Road, Layerthorpe, York YO31 7XZ. http://www.yps-publising.co.uk Also available as pdf (185935372X) at http://www.jrf.org.uk/bookshop
KeywordsAdvisory services [elderly] ; Information services ; Advocacy ; Accessibility ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationServices providing information, advice and advocacy are crucially important for promoting the independence, involvement and interests of older people. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) commissioned this short report, in order to shape the thinking of its Older People's Programme, and to suggest areas for further research and development on our understanding of information, advice and advocacy. The focus is on five key themes that have emerged strongly within the literature and fieldwork: accessibility, independence, involvement, strategy, and standards. The report critically examines different ways of thinking about the development of information, advice and advocacy for older people, and examples of good practice are highlighted throughout. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050906001 B
ClassmarkIT: UV: IQ: 5CA: 583

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