Centre for Policy on Ageing


Special issue : Papers from special theme session, ["Ageing and the Future of Elder Care"] held as part of the International Academy of Law and Mental Health, Sydney, 2 September 2003
 — co-sponsored by the Australian Association of Gerontology
Author(s)Anna L Howe, Terry Carney, George Tomossy
Corporate AuthorAustralian Association of Gerontology
Journal titleAustralasian Journal on Ageing, vol 24 Supplement, June 2005
PublisherBlackwell Publishing, June 2005
Pages59 pp (whole issue)
Sourcehttp://www.cota.org.au / http://www.blackwellpublishingasia.com
KeywordsInformal care ; Medical care ; Terminal care ; Rights [elderly] ; Conference proceedings ; Australia ; International.
AnnotationPapers in this special issue of the Australasian Journal on Ageing were first presented in a special session on "Ageing and the Future of Elder Care" that was part of the 20th International Congress of the Academy of Law and Mental Health, held in Sydney in September 2003. Contributors from Australia, the UK, Japan and the US considered three themes: international perspectives on intergenerational rights and responsibilities for the care of tha frail aged; advance care directives and end of life decision making; and the circumstances in which old age is a basis for special legal provision. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050905205 A
ClassmarkP6: LK: LV: IKR: 6M: 7YA: 72

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