Centre for Policy on Ageing


MDGs [Millennium Development Goals] must target poorest say older people
 — Supplement to Ageing and Development
Corporate AuthorHelpAge International - HAI
Journal titleAgeing and Development, issue 18, supplement, July 2005
PublisherHelpAge International - HAI, London, July 2005
Pages8 pp
SourceHelpAge International, PO Box 32832, London N1 9ZN. http://www.helpage.org
KeywordsPoverty ; Social policy ; Developing countries ; International.
AnnotationThe MDGs [Millennium Development Goals] commit the world to halving extreme poverty by 2015. The prime candidates for this assistance should be the very poorest, including older people. 100 million older people live on less than a dollar a day, and 80% of them in developing countries have no regular income. Whilst the MDGs have specific targets on children and youth, they are silent on issues of age, ethnicity and disability. There are eight MDGs, of which six could be used to the benefit of older people: MDG 1 - eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; MGD 3 - promote gender equality and empower women; MDG 4 and 5 - reduce child mortality and improve maternal health; MDG 6 - combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; and MDG 8 - develop a global partnership for development. Therefore, if the MDGs are to deliver fair and equitable development that reaches the very poorest, an explicitly rights-based approach to poverty reduction is needed, in addition to greater financial commitment. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050901201 B
ClassmarkW6: TM2: 7B: 72

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