Centre for Policy on Ageing


Perceptions of ageism in health and social services in Ireland
 — report based on research undertaken by Eileen McGlone and Fiona Fitzgerald, QES
Author(s)Eileen McGlone, Fiona Fitzgerald
Corporate AuthorNational Council on Ageing and Older People, Ireland
PublisherNational Council on Ageing and Older People, Dublin, 2005
Pages138 pp (Report no 85)
SourceNational Council on Ageing and Older People, 22 Clanwilliam Square, Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2. Website: www.ncaop.ie
KeywordsAgeism ; Health services ; Services ; Attitude ; Research Reviews ; Literature reviews ; Ireland.
AnnotationAn explorative and descriptive study seeks to establish whether age discrimination occurs in. Irish health and social services, and if so, in what forms, and the impact of the experience on older people. A literature review explores the concept of ageism, measuring experiences of ageism (e.g. service rationing), and identifies examples of ageist practices, with a view to drawing comparisons between experiences, policies and practices in Ireland and those documented elsewhere. The research carried out comprised consultation with older people and health service staff, data analysis and reporting. The findings report on access to services: reluctance to refer to specialist services, condition prioritisation, barriers to access, and availability of services. Quality of care issues raised relate to assessments, inappropriate referrals, medication, information and consultation, family involvement, staff attitudes, and stereotyping of older people. Staff perceptions and experiences arising from Irish health service policies and practice are examined: service planning and implementation; resource allocation (or under-resourced provision); staff recruitment, retention and training; health promotion and active ageing; and elder abuse, do not resuscitate orders and living wills. The study identifies four key areas requiring measures to deal with direct and indirect ageist discrimination in the health and social services sector: policies and practices; systems and structures; resources and staffing; and health promotion and age awareness. (RH)
Accession NumberCPA-050816004 B
ClassmarkB:TOB: L: I: DP: 3A:6KC: 64A: 763

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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