Centre for Policy on Ageing


Making practice-based learning work
 — an overview of the nature of the preparation of practice educators in five health care disciplines
Author(s)Joan Mulholland, Maggie Mallik, Paula Moran
Corporate AuthorHealth Sciences and Practice Network, Higher Education Academy
PublisherHigher Education Academy, Health Sciences and Practice Network, London, June 2005
Pages96 pp (Occasional paper, no 6)
SourceHigher Education Academy, Health Sciences and Practice Network, Room 3.12 Waterloo Bridge Wing, Franklin-Wilkins Building, King's College, 150 Stamford Street, London SE1 9NH. Email: stevie.robinson@kcl.ac.uk
KeywordsMedical workers ; Students ; Field training ; Projects.
AnnotationPractice education is a core element of all educational programmes for health care professionals. Practitioners who support, supervise and assess learners for entry into their respective professions need to be well-prepared and supported in their roles as practice educators. The Making Practice-Based Learning Work (MPBLW) project involves staff at Ulster, Northumbria and Bournemouth Universities. The project aims to make practitioners more effective at supporting and supervising students in the workplace across a range of health care disciplines: dietetics, nursing. occupational therapy, physiotherapy and radiology. A literature review focuses on the nature and effectiveness of practice education; the role and development of the practice educator; interprofessional learning and practice education; and intercultural issues. The researchers used a case study method for data collection and analysis. Their findings consider aspects that are discipline-specific, while six key themes emerge as providing a useful pattern for future work: learning and teaching in practice; support for learning in practice; reflection in practice; assessment in practice; interprofessional learning in practice; and diversity in practice. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050816003 B
ClassmarkQT: XN: QWB: 3E

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