Centre for Policy on Ageing


Good care planning for people with long-term conditions
Corporate AuthorMatrix Research and Consultancy; NHS Modernisation Agency
PublisherNHS Modernisation Agency, June 2005
Pages24 pp
SourceDownloadable document: http://www.diabetes.nhs.uk/downloads/Matrix_Care_p...
KeywordsNational Health Service ; Medical care ; Long term ; Management [care] ; Standards of provision ; Government publications.
AnnotationFollowing publication of the National Service Framework for People with Long-Term Conditions (NSF), the (now defunct) NHS Modernisation Agency commissioned Matrix to identify and report on the key elements of good care planning for people with long-term conditions. This document is intended to contribute to and link with other initiatives such as the Single Assessment Process (SAP). It outlines the potential benefits of care planning and barriers to its implementation. Appendices include a self-assessment toolkit, and three case studies illustrating how care planning approaches have been successfully implemented: Shared Care Plan, Hounslow; Nottingham City PCT integrated rehabilitation and intermediate care service; and general practice in Hexham, Northumberland, for people living with diabetes. The key objective has been to produce user-friendly guidance and tools to assist local health and social service providers to implement evidence-based, person-centred care planning for people with long-term conditions. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050728001 E
ClassmarkL4: LK: 4Q: QA: 583: 6OA *

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