Centre for Policy on Ageing


Financial exploitation of older persons
 — policy issues and recommendations for addressing them
Author(s)Donna J Rabiner, David Brown, Janet O'Keeffe
Journal titleJournal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, vol 16, no 1, 2004
Pagespp 65-84
KeywordsElder abuse ; Financial services [older people] ; Crime ; Social policy ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe number of reported cases of abuse of older people living in domestic settings in the United States has increased dramatically in the past two decades. A frequent form of elder abuse is financial exploitation which can occur through the misuse of powers of attorney and guardianships, illegal transfers of property, and outright fraud and theft. Financial crimes against older people are particularly difficult to examine because they are often unreported. The US Congress addressed concerns about financial abuse in its 2000 re-authorization of the Older Americans Act, which required the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to conduct a study of financial exploitation of older people. This article reports the results of this study. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050725202 A
ClassmarkQNT: J: TWA: TM2: 7T

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