Centre for Policy on Ageing


Profiling the needs and experiences of family carers of older people with mental health needs
 — Focus Group accounts
Author(s)Paula Lane
Journal titleSignpost, vol 10, no 1, June 2005
Pagespp 33-37
KeywordsMental disorder ; Family care ; Needs [elderly] ; Qualitative Studies ; Ireland.
AnnotationThe subjectively perceived needs and experiences of carers of older people with mental health needs in home care settings in south east Ireland were explored in a research enquiry commissioned by the South Eastern Health Board in association with Waterford Institute of Technology and the University of Ulster. While a mixed methodological approach to data collection was used, only qualitative focus group data is reported in this paper. A diverse range of needs and experiences were related in the course of these focus groups. The magnitude and complexity of carers' roles and responsibilities is clearly illustrated. The findings portray the importance of exploring and responding to defined gaps in health and social services to support rather than militate against maintaining family caregiving. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050722208 A
ClassmarkE: P6:SJ: IK: 3DP: 763

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