Centre for Policy on Ageing


The future of retirement in a world of rising life expectancies
 — attitudes towards ageing and retirement: a study across 10 countries and territories
Corporate AuthorHSBC
PublisherHSBC, London, [2005]
Pages15 pp
SourceHSBC Group Head Office, 8 Canada Square, London E14 5HQ. Also available at: www.hsbc.com/futureofretirement
KeywordsRetirement ; Attitudes to the old of general public ; Social surveys ; International.
AnnotationThere is a new view of later life as a time of opportunity and reinvention, rather than of rest and relaxation. Worldwide, attitudes to ageing and to older people vary dramatically, with many people having very positive attitudes to older people and to their own later years. HSBC commissioned this research from Age Wave and Harris Interactive. Age Wave is America's leading analyst of the new maturing market, and Harris Interactive is a market research firm that combines strategic consulting with investigation, analysis and application. Interviews were conducted in September and October 2004 with a representative sample of 11,450 adults aged 18+ in 10 countries and territories across four continents, representing 90% of the global population. Among other results are that: there is a global rejection of a mandatory retirement age; countries and territories, organisations and individuals could do more to prepare and adapt to demographic changes; and the role of the family in caring and supporting older people is changing. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050708006 B
ClassmarkG3: TOB: 3F: 72

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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