Centre for Policy on Ageing


Movers and stayers in care management in adult services
Author(s)Greta Bradley
Journal titleBritish Journal of Social Work, vol 35, no 4, June 2005
Pagespp 511-530
KeywordsSocial workers ; Key workers ; Staff turnover ; Occupations ; Social Services Departments ; Management [care] ; Longitudinal surveys.
AnnotationProfessional biographies of care managers in the mid-nineties and seven years on, their profiles and career choice are the focus of this article. The work draws on two linked studies based on adult services in two social services departments. The profile of those who stayed in post and those who moved on raises issues for the social work profession, for managers and for policy makers. Those who stayed constitute an experienced workforce of middle-aged, predominantly female practitioners with mixed views about the changing nature of the work. Those who moved include a group of females who became managers by default. The work raises issues concerning work pressures, gender profiles within an ageing workforce, and succession planning. The findings link to more extensive workforce studies and contribute towards debates concerning the occupational identity and the future of qualified practitioners within a human services landscape which is constantly being reshaped within a culture of new managerialism. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050621510 A
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