Centre for Policy on Ageing


The state of the social care workforce 2004
 — The second Skills Research and Intelligence annual report
Author(s)Christine Eborall
Corporate AuthorSkills for Care (formerly Topss England)
PublisherElectronic format, April 2005
Pages90 pp
SourceDownload (13/6/05): http://www.skillsforcare.org.uk or on CD-ROM for £5 from: Skills for Care, Albion Court, 5 Albion Place, Leeds LS1 6JL.
KeywordsSocial workers ; Training [welfare work] ; Coordination ; Labour economics ; Conditions of employment ; Social surveys.
AnnotationThis is the second major statistical overview of the whole social care workforce in England produced by Skills for Care. There are between 900 000 and 1.6 million care workers and the report describes their work roles, organisational setting, training, qualifications held, rates of pay and trends in the vacancy rates for their roles. An executive summary of eight pages is also available. Topss England produced the first report for 2003 which is still available from the website given. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-050613211 E
ClassmarkQR: QW: QAJ: WH: WKA: 3F

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