Centre for Policy on Ageing


Minority ethnic elders in care homes
 — a review of the literature
Author(s)Freda Mold, Joanne M Fitzpatrick, Julia D Roberts
Journal titleAge and Ageing, vol 34, no 2, March 2005
Pagespp 107-113
KeywordsEthnic groups ; Care homes ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationHealth and social care services are required to provide quality services to meet all older people's needs, including those specific to minority ethnic groups. The authors conducted systematic searches on the following online databases: Web of Science, Pub Med, Sociological Abstracts, Social Sciences Index, AMED, British Nursing Index, Medline, PsychInfo and CINAHL. International studies indicate possible differences in the preferences of care to minority ethnic elders, especially in relation to the nature of their care and their participation in care decisions. There is a paucity of UK literature and research specific to the care home sector: the existing literature highlights the need for greater cultural awareness, including communication issues, in order to enhance individualised care. Only those references referred to in the text are listed at the end of the article: the full list is available on the journal website (www.ageing.oupjournals.org) as Appendix 2. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050505201 A
ClassmarkTK: KW: 64A

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