Centre for Policy on Ageing


Equal measures
 — closing the accessibility gap
Author(s)Tony Shipley, John Gill
Corporate AuthorCOST 219ter: Accessibility for All to Services and Terminals for Next Generation Networks
Publisher[École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and Laboratoire d'Electromagnètisme et d'Acoustique, on behalf of] COST 219ter, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2005
Pages25 pp
SourcePatrick Roe, EPFL-STI-ITOP, LEMA, Bâtiment ELB, Station 11, CH-1015, Lausanne, Switzerland. E-mail: patrick.roe@epfl.ch COST 219ter website: www.cost219.org
KeywordsPhysical disabilities ; Telephone ; Information technology ; Accessibility.
AnnotationIt is intrinsic to the spirit and to the letter of European Union (EU) legislation that accessibility to electronic communication networks is available to all, and the EU has produced a set of Directives accordingly. This publication aims to show how, with powers devolved from the EU to national regulators, problems of accessibility to telecommunications can be overcome. It outlines the current legislative framework for electronic communications; scope for regulatory measures; and outcomes such as inclusive design. COST219 is supported by the EU Framework Programme. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050415005 B
ClassmarkBN: UJ: UVB: 5CA

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