Centre for Policy on Ageing


"I'm like a tree a million miles from the water's edge"
 — social care and inclusion of older people with visual impairment
Author(s)John Percival, Julienne Hanson
Journal titleBritish Journal of Social Work, vol 35, no 2, March 2005
Pagespp 189-206
KeywordsVisual impairment ; Integration ; Services ; Needs [elderly] ; Plymouth ; Birmingham ; London.
AnnotationThe care and support of older people with visual impairment is a neglected public policy issue, despite the growing numbers affected by sight loss in later life. The report, "Housing and support needs of older people with visual impairment: experiences and challenges" (published by the Thomas Pocklington Trust in 2002) is a study of 400 people aged 55+ in Plymouth, Birmingham and London and their experiences of sight loss, coping strategies, support needs, home environments, social contacts and information needs. This paper reports on a prominent concern arising from the research - the connection between unmet social care needs and social exclusion. Discussion focuses on identifying and assessing needs, major problems and priorities mentioned by interviewees, and service initiatives that promote inclusive social care. Conclusions are reached that social workers and other allied professionals can best promote socially inclusive support through inter-agency co-operation. Practical suggestions are presented as to the possible shape and direction of collaborative work. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050321201 A
ClassmarkBR: TO: I: IK: 8DEG: 87E: 82L

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