Centre for Policy on Ageing


NHS funding for long term care : follow up report
 — first report, the Health Service Ombudsman, session 2004-2005; presented to Parliament pursuant to Section 14(4) of the Health Service Commissioners Act 1993
Author(s)Ann Abraham
Corporate AuthorHealth Service Commissioner [Ombudsman] for England
PublisherThe Stationery Office, London, 16 December 2004
Pages19 pp (HC 144 2004/05)
SourceTSO, PO Box 29, Norwich NR3 1GN. http://www.ombudsman.org.uk
KeywordsComplaints [services] ; National Health Service ; Finance [care] ; Nursing homes ; Care homes ; Services ; Health services ; Long term ; Government publications.
AnnotationThe Health Service Commissioner for England reported in February 2003 on problems with the process for assessing eligibility for NHS funding for long-term, or continuing care. Subsequent complaints reveal some persistent problems at the heart of the continuing care framework. This follow up report covers: responding to demand for retrospective reviews; reviewing and revising the eligibility criteria; and the process of retrospective assessment and review. It recommends that the Department of Health (DH) needs to lead further work in six key areas to improve the national framework for continuing care: establishing clear, national minimum eligibility criteria which are understandable to health professionals, patients and carers alike; developing a set of accredited assessment tools and good practice guidance to support the criteria; supporting training and development; clarifying standards for record keeping and documentation both by health care providers and those involved in the review process; seeking assurance that the retrospective reviews have covered all those who might be affected; and monitoring the situation, and using the lessons learned to inform the handling of continuing care assessments in the future. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050301207 B
ClassmarkQLV: L4: QC: LHB: KW: I: L: 4Q: 6OA

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