Centre for Policy on Ageing


Cruise ship care
 — a proposed alternative to assisted living facilities
Author(s)Lee A Lindquist, Robert M Golub
Journal titleJournal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol 52, no 11, November 2004
Pagespp 1951-1954
Sourcehttp://www.americangeriatrics.org http://www.blackwellpublishing.com
KeywordsSea transport ; Holiday accommodation ; Sheltered housing ; Comparison.
AnnotationOptions for older patients who can no longer remain independent are limited. Most choices involve assisted living, 24-hour caregivers, or nursing homes. For those who have the means to afford assisted living or nursing homes, "cruise ship care" is proposed. Travelling alongside traditional tourists, groups of older people could live on cruise ships for extended periods of time. Cruise ships are similar to assisted living facilities in the amenities provided and costs per month, for example. This article examines the needs of older people in assisted living facilities, and explores the feasibility of cruise ship care in answering those needs. Similarities in care and in the monetary costs of both options are defined. A decision tree with selections for non-independent care was created using cruise ship care as an alternative. Using a Markov model over 20 years, a representative cost-effectiveness analysis was performed that showed that cruises were priced similarly to assisted living centres and were more efficacious. Proposed ways in which cruise companies could further accommodate the needs of older people interested in this option are also suggested. Implementation of cruise ship care on the individual basis is also presented. If this option succeeds, older people could have a much more enjoyable experience, and look forward to the time when they become less independent. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050215205 A
ClassmarkOCE: HV:K: KLA: 48

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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