Centre for Policy on Ageing


Follow up of people aged 65 and over with a history of emergency admissions
 — analysis of routine admission data
Author(s)Martin Roland, Mark Dusheiko, Hugh Gravelle
Journal titleBritish Medical Journal, vol 330, no 7486, 5 February 2005
Pagespp 289-292
KeywordsAccident & emergency depts ; Discharge [hospitals] ; Longitudinal surveys.
AnnotationThe authors analysed routine hospital admissions data using hospital episode statistics (HES) in England, to find those aged 65+ who had at least two emergency admissions in 1997/98. Over four to five years, admission rates and bed use in the high risk cohorts fell to the mean rate for older people. Although patients aged 65+ with two or more such admissions were responsible for 38% of admissions in the index year, they were responsible for fewer than 10% of admissions in the following year, and just over 3% five years later. Patients with multiple emergency admissions are often identified as a high-risk group for subsequent admission, and substantial claims are made for interventions designed to avoid emergency admissions in such patients. Simply monitoring admission rates cannot assess interventions designed to reduce admission among frail older people as rates fall without any intervention. Comparison with a matched control group is necessary. Wider benefits than reduced admissions should be considered when introducing intensive care management of older people. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050210201 A
ClassmarkLD6: LD:QKJ: 3J *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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