Centre for Policy on Ageing


Elderly patients' care dependency
Author(s)Maritta Valimaki, Ate Dijkstra, Helena Soini
Journal titleHallym International Journal of Aging, vol 6, no 1, 2004
Pagespp 79-93
KeywordsIn-patients ; Self care capacity ; Needs [elderly] ; Nursing ; Evaluation ; Finland.
AnnotationThe Care Dependency Scale (CDS) was originally developed in the Netherlands, providing a framework for the care dependency status of institutionalised patients, and measuring 15 human needs. The dependency level of older in-patients was investigated, to describe factors associated with their care dependency in institutions, and to generate information as to reliability and validity of the CDS. Data were collected on 133 older patients in one health centre with five wards in Finland. The aspects of care dependency on which patients were the most dependent were unassisted participation in activities outside the facility, moving about unaided, and independence maintenance of personal hygiene. The lowest level of patient dependency was observed for patient communication, eating and drinking, and day/night pattern. The longer the patients' length of stay, the higher was the degree to which they depended on nursing care. Long-term stay patients were more dependent on nursing care than when they were short-term stay patients. The findings indicate that patients' dependency level was connected with their physical state. The CDS was used for the first time in Finland, and is a promising measure for evaluating the dependency level of older patients to generate information regarding their everyday care needs. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050209205 A
ClassmarkLF7: CA: IK: LQ: 4C: 76L

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