Centre for Policy on Ageing


Staff responses to challenging behaviour shown by people with dementia
 — an application of an attributional-emotional model of helping behaviour
Author(s)S J Todd, S C Watts
Journal titleAging & Mental Health, vol 9, no 1, January 2005
Pagespp 71-81
KeywordsBehaviour disorders ; Dementia ; Attitude ; Nurses ; Clinical psychologists ; North West England.
AnnotationThere is some evidence to suggest that staff beliefs and emotional responses to challenging behaviour shown by clients are critical factors in guiding their responses to such behaviour. This paper applies Weiner's cognitive emotional model of helping behaviour to staff working with people with dementia and who exhibit challenging behaviour. The paper also aimed to explore the impact of staff burnout and professional group upon participants' responses to real-life experiences of challenging behaviour. Participants were 25 nurses and 26 psychologists working with people with dementia in North West England. Methods included questionnaire measures and coding of spoken attributions using the Leeds Attributional Coding System. Non-parametric tests measured between-group differences and correlations between key variables. There were few differences between the two professional groups for key variables. Optimism and sympathy were generally associated with willingness to help. Burnout was associated with less willingness to help, low optimism and negative emotional responses to clients' behaviour. No consistent or robust role was found for attributions. Results are discussed in relation to other factors which may promote or reduce staff helping behaviour in the context of services for people with dementia. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050203222 A
ClassmarkEP: EA: DP: QTE: QT9A: 82NW

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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