Centre for Policy on Ageing


Specialist medical input to residential and nursing home residents
 — position statement
Author(s)Noeleen Devaney
Corporate AuthorBritish Geriatrics Society - BGS
Journal titleBGS Newsletter, January 2005
PublisherBritish Geriatrics Society - BGS, London, January 2005
Pagespp 26-29
KeywordsHealth services ; Residents [care homes] ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationOlder people in residential and nursing homes have complex physical and mental health problems and are a highly vulnerable group. This position statement stems from a desire to build on an earlier position statement by the Faculty of Old Age Psychiatry (June 1988). It also aims to reflect collaborative working between geriatricians, old age psychiatrists and general practitioners (GPs) in setting standards for better care for older people, also a recognised need to drive up quality for a particularly vulnerable group of older people. The need for appropriate, multidisciplinary assessment before a permanent move to long-term care is stressed. The Single Assessment Process (SAP) in England should eventually facilitate this and also make the records of multidisciplinary assessments undertaken subject to greater audit and scrutiny. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050203212 A
ClassmarkL: KX: KW: LHB: 583

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