Centre for Policy on Ageing


Social and Economic Dimensions of an Aging Population
 — research from the SEDAP Project
Author(s)Victor W Marshall, Barry McPherson
Journal titleCanadian Journal on Aging, vol 23, supplement 1, 2004
PagesS167 pp (whole issue)
KeywordsAgeing process ; Economic status [elderly] ; Health [elderly] ; The Family ; Financial services [older people] ; Research ; Canada.
AnnotationThe papers in this special issue have been produced as a part of SEDAP (the Social and Economic Dimensions of an Aging Population), a large-scale, multi-university, interdisciplinary research programme. Funded in 1999 for five years by SSHRC, through the Multi-Collaborative Research Initiative (MCRI), this programme was the first large scale research programme on ageing in Canada since CARNET, which was funded between 1991 and 1996. SEDAP was led by Byron Spencer, of the Department of Economics, McMaster University, and involved academic staff and students representing ten disciplines. The research programme was structured around four themes: Population Ageing and the Economy; Ageing and Health; Ageing and Family Life; and Retirement and Financial Security. To date, over 115 articles have been put on the SEDAP website (http://socserve.socsci.mcmaster.ca/sedap). The 12 papers in this issue represent the four SEDAP theme areas. Most of them focus on applied research models rather than theoretical principles, and invoke the life course perspective throughout their research. There is use of statistical techniques and data as well as use of qualitative data. (KJ/RH)
Accession NumberCPA-050202206 A
ClassmarkBG: F:W: CC: SJ: J: 3A: 7S

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