Centre for Policy on Ageing


Elderly people at risk
 — a Norwegian model for community education and response
Author(s)Olaug Juklestad
Journal titleThe Journal of Adult Protection, vol 6, no 3, November 2004
Pagespp 26-33
SourceWebsite: http://www.pavpub.com
KeywordsElder abuse ; Pilot ; Norway.
AnnotationAwareness of the problem of elder abuse was aroused in Norway in the early 1980s. The Elder Protective Services project, a pilot project conducted between 1991 and 1994 described here, established an important body of knowledge based on casework. Central authorities believe that improved knowledge and competence will result in local change and further development to help the victims of violence. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050125204 A
ClassmarkQNT: 4UC: 76N

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