Centre for Policy on Ageing


For richer for poorer : the financial situations of older people in Wales
 — executive summary
Corporate AuthorAge Concern Cymru; Welsh Assembly Government; Help the Aged
PublisherAge Concern Cymru, Cardiff, October 2004
Pages8 pp
SourceAge Concern Cymru, 1 Cathedral Road, Cardiff CF11 9SD. http://www.accymru.org.uk
KeywordsEconomic status [elderly] ; Social surveys ; Wales.
AnnotationData from the 2001 Census reveals that older people make up about one fifth of the total population of Wales. The aim of "For richer for poorer" was to investigate the financial situation of older people in Wales in terms of income, social exclusion and deprivation. This executive summary (in English and Welsh) outlines the methodology and sampling, and key findings on socio-demographic characteristics, self-reported financial circumstances, wealth and poverty, self-reported health status, and isolation and loneliness. The main findings are to be published at a later date. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050119208 B
ClassmarkF:W: 3F: 9

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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