Centre for Policy on Ageing


Panamanian grandmothers' family relationships and adjustment to having a grandchild with a disability
Author(s)J Emmett Gardner, Avraham Scherman, Maria S Efthimiadis
Journal titleInternational Journal of Aging and Human Development, vol 59, no 4, 2004
Pagespp 305-320
KeywordsGrandmothers ; Adjustment ; Family relationships ; Grandchildren ; Physical disabilities ; Panama.
AnnotationThirty Panamanian grandmothers of children with special needs provided information regarding their family relationships and adjustment to having a grandchild with a disability. Categories of analyses were established only after the data was fully collected and reviewed. Results indicate that for most Panamanian grandmothers, their changes in family relationships are not dramatic when they have a grandchild with a disability. However, 25% clearly report a deteriorated relationship with their sons-in-law. They view their relationship with their grandchild with a disability to be one that provides a mixture of affection, love, acceptance and patience. In the area of role adjustment, they see a need to become more involved in areas that include assisting their grandchildren and/or her family with caregiving and household responsibilities, economic and medical support, or in areas related to school, academic, spiritual or recreational activities. With respect to emotional adjustment, Panamanian grandmothers distinguish themselves from those in the US, in experiencing reduced emotional stress, and dwelling less of personal loss, grief, or role stigma. Culture appears to have a genuine influence on these results. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-050113202 A
ClassmarkSW2: DR: DS:SJ: SW5: BN: 7UP

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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