Centre for Policy on Ageing


Occupational pensions and industrial relations
Author(s)Robbert van het Kaar
Corporate AuthorHugo Sinzheimer Institute, Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam; European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO), European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
PublisherEuropean Industrial Relations Observatory On-line (Electronic format), 2004
Pages20 pp
KeywordsPrivate pensions ; Labour relations ; European Union ; Comparison ; Europe.
AnnotationPensions have become one of the key issues on the industrial relations agenda across Europe. Many national governments have recently reformed their public pensions systems, often in consultation with the social partners, though in some cases in the face of major opposition from trade unions. Governments have also been promoting occupational pension provision, which has become an increasingly important issue in collective bargaining. This European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO) comparative study examines the industrial relations aspects of recent pensions developments in 18 countries in the European Union (EU), focusing mainly on occupational pensions, an area where the social partners often play a significant or even dominant role. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-041215220 E
ClassmarkJK: WM: WFC: 48: 74

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