Centre for Policy on Ageing


End of life care for older people admitted to hospital
Author(s)Christopher Beer
Journal titleAustralasian Journal on Ageing, vol 23.2, June 2004
PublisherBlackwell Publishing, June 2004
Pagespp 58-62
Sourcehttp://www.cota.org.au / http://www.blackwellpublishingasia.com
KeywordsTerminal care ; Medical care ; Admission [hospitals] ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationEnd of life care is a common and challenging area of geriatric practice. There is limited literature detailing the wishes of Australian patients regarding resuscitation and end of life care. Few very old patients benefit from cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The evidence regarding end of life care is conflicting. Large studies are available examining the care of seriously ill older patients in US hospitals. Attempts should be made to ascertain the wishes of competent patients regarding resuscitation and end of life care. Older patients who are seriously ill might often not be able to express their wishes. Our practice must thus incorporate the use of surrogate decision makers and advance care directives (living wills). (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-041215201 A
ClassmarkLV: LK: LD:QKH: 64A

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