Centre for Policy on Ageing


Depression and older people
 — towards securing well-being in later life
Author(s)Mary Godfrey, Tracy Denby
Corporate AuthorHelp the Aged; Nuffield Institute for Health, University of Leeds
PublisherPolicy Press in association with Help the Aged, Bristol, 2004
Pages53 pp
SourceMarston Book Services, PO Box 269, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4YN. E-mail: direct.orders@marston.co.uk
KeywordsDepression ; Needs [elderly] ; Well being ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationA psychosocial approach to depression is adopted in this report - that is, depression is explored in the context of older people's everyday lives. Help the Aged commissioned the report, which was undertaken at the Nuffield Health and Social Care Group, University of Leeds. The report reviews the nature and scope of the evidence on depression and older people. It evaluates the current policy and practice response; and identifies gaps in the evidence base and areas for further work. Older people with depressive disorders are largely invisible in health and care services, and many fail to seek or receive effective treatment. Consequently, the report also examines user and carer needs; risk factors in depression; and how people access services or support, identification and treatment in primary care as well as specialist mental health services. The report presents a framework and suggestions for an approach aimed at supporting a "good life" in older age. This is seen as central in developing strategies for primary prevention of later life depression. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-041201002 B
ClassmarkENR: IK: D:F:5HH: 64A

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