Centre for Policy on Ageing


Older women and HIV
 — how much do they know and are they getting their information?
Author(s)Susan J Henderson, Lisa B Bernstein, Diane Marie St George
Journal titleJournal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol 52, no 9, September 2004
Pagespp 1549-1553
Sourcehttp://www.americangeriatrics.org http://www.blackwellpublishing.com
KeywordsOlder women ; AIDS ; Attitude ; Cross sectional surveys ; United States of America.
Annotation514 American women aged 50+ were asked 9 questions assessing their knowledge of risk of HIV sexual transmission. While participants identified all sources of HIV information, no respondent answered all nine questions correctly: the mean knowledge score was 3.7, ranging from 0 (3%) to 8 (1%). Younger age, employment, and higher educational level were associated with higher knowledge scores, whereas marital status was unrelated. The most commonly identified sources of HIV/AIDS information were television (35%), friends (54%) and newspapers (51%). Only 38% of respondents identified health professionals as a source of information about HIV/AIDS. Health professionals, newspapers and family members were each independently associated with higher knowledge scores. HIV/AIDS education is required for this population, and health professionals may have an important role in providing information. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-041130239 A
ClassmarkBD: CQTT: DP: 3KB: 7T

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