Centre for Policy on Ageing


The role of daily positive emotions during conjugal bereavement
Author(s)Anthony D Ong, C S Bergeman, Toni L Biconti
Journal titleJournals of Gerontology: Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, vol 59B, no 4, July 2004
Pagespp P168-P176
KeywordsWidows ; Bereavement ; Emotions ; Longitudinal surveys ; United States of America.
AnnotationHumour coping and perceived stress were measured in questionnaires, and positive emotions, depression, anxiety and stress were assessed daily for 98 days in a sample of 34 recently bereaved older widows from northern Indiana and southwestern Michigan. Results highlight the critical role of daily positive emotions on the months immediately following conjugal loss. Intraindividual analyses revealed significant reduction in the magnitude of the stress-depression correlation on days in which greater positive emotions were present. Results also suggest that different vulnerability and resilience factors are implicated in the emotion differentiation process. For widows with greater humour coping skills, there was less overlap in daily ratings of positive emotions and depressive symptoms. In contrast, higher levels of chronic stress resulted in less differentiation of emotional responses. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-041130223 A
ClassmarkSP: DW: DL: 3J: 7T

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